Event / Race Outcome Verdict Next Race
W MasE/F 2x
Race: 23
Event: 5
13 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-HENDERSON (MasE) SCRATCHED.
W MasE/F 2x
Race: 23
Event: 5
14 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-BEECH (MasF) SCRATCHED.
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
134 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WATTERSTON SCRATCHED.
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 1
Event: 6
20 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-SHAO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [19]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-HEATON.
Easily - No19 capsized9 9
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 2
Event: 6
18 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [17]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-GUNNING.
1 Length10 10
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 3
Event: 6
15 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-PARKER WINNER.
Oppo: [16]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-KELLY.
2 Lengths / 9 seconds10 10
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 4
Event: 9
31 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-LENIHAN WINNER.
Oppo: [32]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-LEE.
Easily - by 17 seconds13 13
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 5
Event: 9
29 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-ROBERTSON WINNER.
Oppo: [30]Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club - HOL-WITCHELL.
2 seconds13 13
Op MasC/D 4+
Race: 8
Event: 1
1 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORIARTY (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [2]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-SARMA (MasD).
3 seconds
Op MasC/D 4+
Race: 8
Event: 1
1 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORIARTY (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4+
Race: 7
Event: 11
36 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-HARLE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [37]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CARROLL.
1 second
Op 4+
Race: 7
Event: 11
36 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-HARLE-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4-
Race: 6
Event: 8
26 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-COX WINNER.
Oppo: [27]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-BELL.
6 seconds14 14
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 10
Event: 6
18 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [15]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-PARKER.
3 seconds17 17
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 9
Event: 6
20 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-SHAO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [21]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-MCNAMARA-2.
8 secs17 17
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 12
Event: 7
22 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-OKUNOLA WINNER.
Oppo: [23]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-FERRIE.
8 secs18 18
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 11
Event: 7
25 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WELLS WINNER.
Oppo: [24]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-SEED.
3 seconds18 18
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 13
Event: 9
31 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-LENIHAN WINNER.
Oppo: [29]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-ROBERTSON.
10 secs
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 13
Event: 9
31 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-LENIHAN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4-
Race: 14
Event: 8
28 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-JACKSON WINNER.
Oppo: [26]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-COX.
3 secs
Op 4-
Race: 14
Event: 8
28 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-JACKSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 2x
Band 2
Race: 15
Event: 12
38 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-POWELL WINNER.
Oppo: [39]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-KOTZEE.
Bradford capsized
W 2x
Band 2
Race: 15
Event: 12
38 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-POWELL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 17
Event: 6
18 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [20]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-SHAO-2.
9 seconds
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 17
Event: 6
18 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 18
Event: 7
22 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-OKUNOLA WINNER.
Oppo: [25]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-WELLS.
3 seconds
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 18
Event: 7
22 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-OKUNOLA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 2x
Race: 16
Event: 10
33 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWTON WINNER.
Oppo: [34]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-EGGLESTON.
1 min 1424 24
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 19
Event: 3
8 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-Brant (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [7]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-JACKSON (MasB).
10 seconds26 26
W MasD 2x
Race: 21
Event: 4
11 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-HOLMES WINNER.
Oppo: [12]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-LEIGHTON-2.
4 sec27 27
W MasD 2x
Race: 22
Event: 4
10 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-CASSIDY WINNER.
Oppo: [9]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-GOOD.
11 seconds27 27
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 20
Event: 3
6 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-FORSYTH (MasB) WINNER.
Oppo: [5]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-TAYLOR (MasB).
3 secs26 26
W J13 2x
Race: 24
Event: 10
33 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWTON WINNER.
Oppo: [35]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-SAVAGE-2.
6 seconds
W J13 2x
Race: 24
Event: 10
33 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWTON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasA 2x
Race: 25
Event: 2
3 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-MARSDEN-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [4]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-IDDON.
3 seconds
W MasA 2x
Race: 25
Event: 2
3 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-MARSDEN-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasD 2x
Race: 27
Event: 4
10 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-CASSIDY WINNER.
Oppo: [11]Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club - HOL-HOLMES.
5 seconds
W MasD 2x
Race: 27
Event: 4
10 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-CASSIDY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 1x
Race: 29
Event: 16
48 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-COURT WINNER.
Oppo: [49]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE - BLACKBURN.
4 seconds36 36
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 26
Event: 3
8 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-Brant (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [6]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-FORSYTH (MasB).
1 second
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 26
Event: 3
8 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-Brant (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 4x+
Race: 30
Event: 15
47 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WELCH WINNER.
Oppo: [46]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-DEAN.
2 seconds37 37
Op J13 2x
Race: 28
Event: 17
51 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-RICHARDS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [52]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-ABRAHAMS WARD-2.
8 seconds33 33
Op J13 2x
Race: 32
Event: 17
54 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-KURAKULA WINNER.
Oppo: [55]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CHANDLER-2.
3 seconds38 38
W J14 4x+
Race: 31
Event: 15
45 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWTON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [44]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-COLEY.
7 seconds37 37
Op J18 4x-
Race: 34
Event: 13
40 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN- MCGUINNESS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [41]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-SWIFT-3.
Op J18 4x-
Race: 34
Event: 13
40 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN- MCGUINNESS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 1x
Race: 36
Event: 16
48 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-COURT WINNER.
Oppo: [50]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-GERAN.
Easily 13 seconds
Op J15 1x
Race: 36
Event: 16
48 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-COURT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 4x-
Race: 35
Event: 14
43 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [42]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-GREGSON.
6 seconds
Op J16 4x-
Race: 35
Event: 14
43 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 33
Event: 17
51 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-RICHARDS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [53]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-VEILUMUTHU.
20 seconds38 38
W J14 4x+
Race: 37
Event: 15
47 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WELCH WINNER.
Oppo: [45]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-LAWTON-2.
5 seconds
W J14 4x+
Race: 37
Event: 15
47 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WELCH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 38
Event: 17
54 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-KURAKULA WINNER.
Oppo: [51]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-RICHARDS-3.
7 seconds
Op J13 2x
Race: 38
Event: 17
54 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-KURAKULA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 39
Event: 22
67 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-SHAO WINNER.
Oppo: [68]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-PARKER-2.
13 seconds46 46
Op MasA/B/C 2x
Race: 41
Event: 19
58 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-SULLIVAN (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [59]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-MELLY (MasA).
13 seconds
Op MasA/B/C 2x
Race: 41
Event: 19
58 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-SULLIVAN (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasD/E 2-
Race: 44
Event: 20
60 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-DUNNE (MasE) WINNER.
Oppo: [61]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-TERRY (MasD).
5 seconds52 52
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 40
Event: 22
65 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-HEATON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [66]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-MCNAMARA.
2 seconds46 46
Op MasE/F/G 2x
Race: 42
Event: 21
63 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN - Neve (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [64]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-BARBER (MasE).
10 seconds
Op MasE/F/G 2x
Race: 42
Event: 21
63 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN - Neve (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2-
Race: 43
Event: 25
77 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-REEVES DISQUALIFIED. 51 51
Op 2-
Race: 43
Event: 25
76 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-Oleshko Progress to race 51. 51 51
Op 2x
Band 2
Race: 47
Event: 26
79 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-CLARKE WINNER.
Oppo: [80]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-CASSON -GRAVE.
6 seconds
Op 2x
Band 2
Race: 47
Event: 26
79 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-CLARKE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 1x
Race: 45
Event: 29
85 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CHEW WINNER.
Oppo: [86]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-LILLIS.
10 seconds
W J13 1x
Race: 45
Event: 29
85 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CHEW <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 48
Event: 24
74 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-COX-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [73]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN- MCGUINNESS.
5 seconds56 56
Op 2-
Race: 43
Event: 25
76 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-Oleshko DISQUALIFIED. 51 51
Op MasD/E 2-
Race: 52
Event: 20
60 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-DUNNE (MasE) WINNER.
Oppo: [62]Derwent Rowing Club - DEW-BRUTTON-2 (MasE).
5 seconds
Op MasD/E 2-
Race: 52
Event: 20
60 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-DUNNE (MasE) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 46
Event: 22
67 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-SHAO WINNER.
Oppo: [65]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-HEATON-2.
9 seconds
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 46
Event: 22
67 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-SHAO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 50
Event: 23
69 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SAVAGE WINNER.
Oppo: [70]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-RICHARDSON-2.
5 seconds57 57
W 4-
Race: 53
Event: 28
84 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-MOSSOP WINNER.
Oppo: [83]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-MARSDEN-3.
6 seconds
W 4-
Race: 53
Event: 28
84 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-MOSSOP <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 4+
Race: 54
Event: 27
82 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-RIJKSE WINNER.
Oppo: [81]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-GRADWELL.
5 seconds
W 4+
Race: 54
Event: 27
82 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-RIJKSE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasE 4+
Race: 55
Event: 18
56 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-LEIGHTON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [57]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-STANHOPE.
13 seconds
W MasE 4+
Race: 55
Event: 18
56 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-LEIGHTON-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2-
Race: 43
Event: 25
76 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-Oleshko DISQUALIFIED. 51 51
Op 2-
Race: 43
Event: 25
77 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-REEVES Progress to race 51. 51 51
Op 2-
Race: 51
Event: 25
77 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-REEVES WINNER.
Oppo: [78]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-CROWE-2.
16 seconds
Op 2-
Race: 51
Event: 25
77 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-REEVES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 56
Event: 24
74 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-COX-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [75]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-DAVIES.
5 seconds
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 56
Event: 24
74 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-COX-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 49
Event: 23
72 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-SMITH SCRATCHED. 57 57
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 49
Event: 23
71 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SEED-2 Progress to race 57. 57 57
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 57
Event: 23
71 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SEED-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [69]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-SAVAGE.
13 seconds
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 57
Event: 23
71 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SEED-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx 2x
Race: 58
Event: 38
117 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-RUMMEL WINNER.
Oppo: [116]Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club - HOL-HAWORTH.
3 seconds68 68
Mx 2x
Race: 59
Event: 38
114 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-TOMKINSON WINNER.
Oppo: [115]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-PERRY.
3 seconds68 68
W J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 63
Event: 36
106 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-BARRY WINNER.
Oppo: [105]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-LAMB.
2 seconds71 71
Mx 2-
Race: 60
Event: 39
118 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-GRAINGER WINNER.
Oppo: [119]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-MUSCART-2.
3 seconds
Mx 2-
Race: 60
Event: 39
118 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-GRAINGER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 67
Event: 35
97 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-COLEY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [98]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-BAILEY.
12 seconds73 73
W J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 62
Event: 36
108 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [107]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-WARD.
10 seconds71 71
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 66
Event: 35
100 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-WILLIAMS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [99]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-MYERS-2.
14 seconds73 73
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 64
Event: 35
103 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-DEAN-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [104]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-SANSOM.
1 seconds72 72
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 65
Event: 35
102 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-RICHARDSON WINNER.
Oppo: [101]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-COBB-2.
72 72
Mx 2x
Race: 68
Event: 38
117 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-RUMMEL WINNER.
Oppo: [114]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-TOMKINSON.
6 seconds
Mx 2x
Race: 68
Event: 38
117 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-RUMMEL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 1x
Race: 69
Event: 37
112 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-CHAN-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [113]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CHANDLER.
1 second78 78
Op J13 1x
Race: 61
Event: 37
110 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-KADIR-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [109]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-GROCOTT.
11 seconds70 70
Mx MasA/B/C 2x
Race: 74
Event: 30
88 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-HOWORTH (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [87]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-MARSDEN (MasA).
2 seconds
Mx MasA/B/C 2x
Race: 74
Event: 30
88 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-HOWORTH (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 71
Event: 36
108 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [106]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-BARRY.
7 seconds
W J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 71
Event: 36
108 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON-4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx MasD 2x
Race: 75
Event: 31
90 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE WINNER.
Oppo: [89]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-BENNETT.
4 seconds
Mx MasD 2x
Race: 75
Event: 31
90 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x
Race: 79
Event: 34
95 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL WINNER.
Oppo: [96]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-MORRISON.
9 seconds
Op J15 2x
Race: 79
Event: 34
95 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 72
Event: 35
102 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-RICHARDSON WINNER.
Oppo: [103]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-DEAN-3.
1 second80 80
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 73
Event: 35
100 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-WILLIAMS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [97]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-COLEY-2.
8 seconds80 80
Mx MasF/G 2x
Race: 76
Event: 33
94 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTIN-DAVIES (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [93]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-HALLAM (MasG).
2 seconds
Mx MasF/G 2x
Race: 76
Event: 33
94 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTIN-DAVIES (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 1x
Race: 70
Event: 37
110 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-KADIR-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [111]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-SINNOTT.
44 seconds78 78
Mx MasE/F 2-
Race: 77
Event: 32
91 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON (MasE) WINNER.
Oppo: [92]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-HENRYS-2 (MasF).
1 second
Mx MasE/F 2-
Race: 77
Event: 32
91 Derwent Rowing Club-DEW-BRUTTON (MasE) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 1x
Race: 78
Event: 37
112 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-CHAN-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [110]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-KADIR-2.
9 seconds
Op J13 1x
Race: 78
Event: 37
112 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-CHAN-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 80
Event: 35
100 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-WILLIAMS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [102]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-RICHARDSON.
4 seconds
W J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 80
Event: 35
100 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-WILLIAMS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 8+
Race: 81
Event: 49
153 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [152]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-CROWE.
11 seconds86 86
Op 8+
Race: 81
Event: 49
153 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [152]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-CROWE.
11 seconds86 86
W 4x-
Race: 82
Event: 48
147 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-DANIELS WINNER.
Oppo: [148]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-RHEAD-2.
32 seconds88 88
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 83
Event: 47
143 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-HOWARD WINNER.
Oppo: [142]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-DEE.
6 seconds90 90
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 84
Event: 46
140 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-INCE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [141]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-LO.
3 seconds91 91
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 85
Event: 46
139 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CROSBY WINNER.
Oppo: [138]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-MAHMOOD.
5 seconds91 91
Op 8+
Race: 86
Event: 49
153 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [154]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-TULLY.
5 seconds
Op 8+
Race: 86
Event: 49
153 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 4x-
Race: 87
Event: 48
151 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-MARINOS WINNER.
Oppo: [150]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-PITCHER.
13 seconds95 95
W 4x-
Race: 88
Event: 48
147 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-DANIELS WINNER.
Oppo: [149]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-WEBB.
7 seconds95 95
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 89
Event: 47
145 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-OAKES-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [146]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-PARARIKKAL.
6 seconds96 96
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 90
Event: 47
144 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WAINWRIGHT WINNER.
Oppo: [143]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-HOWARD.
6 seconds96 96
Op J16 1x
Race: 92
Event: 45
135 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE - WALIGORSKI WINNER.
Oppo: [136]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-HUGHES.
5 seconds98 98
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 93
Event: 43
128 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS WINNER.
Oppo: [127]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-GEARY.
0.5 seconds100 100
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 94
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON WINNER.
Oppo: [132]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-PENKETH.
Rowed over101 101
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 4x-
Race: 95
Event: 48
147 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-DANIELS WINNER.
Oppo: [151]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-MARINOS.
0.5 seconds
W 4x-
Race: 95
Event: 48
147 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-DANIELS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 96
Event: 47
144 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WAINWRIGHT WINNER.
Oppo: [145]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-OAKES-3.
8 seconds
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 96
Event: 47
144 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WAINWRIGHT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 1x
Race: 98
Event: 45
135 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE - WALIGORSKI WINNER.
Oppo: [137]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-ROBINSON.
7 seconds
Op J16 1x
Race: 98
Event: 45
135 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE - WALIGORSKI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasD 4x-
Race: 97
Event: 41
122 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-BOUSFIELD WINNER.
Oppo: [123]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-LEIGHTON-4.
0.5 seconds103 103
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 99
Event: 43
131 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-SOMERS WINNER.
Oppo: [130]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN- MCGUINNESS.
5 seconds105 105
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 100
Event: 43
129 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-MACKAY WINNER.
Oppo: [128]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-MORRIS.
4 seconds105 105
W MasC 4x-
Race: 102
Event: 40
120 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-MAHER WINNER.
Oppo: [121]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-HINDMOOR.
4 seconds
W MasC 4x-
Race: 102
Event: 40
120 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-MAHER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasD 4x-
Race: 103
Event: 41
124 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-THORPE WINNER.
Oppo: [122]Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club - HOL-BOUSFIELD.
10 seconds
W MasD 4x-
Race: 103
Event: 41
124 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-THORPE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasE 4x-
Race: 104
Event: 42
125 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [126]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-COOKE.
30 seconds
W MasE 4x-
Race: 104
Event: 42
125 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-SMITH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 105
Event: 43
129 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-MACKAY WINNER.
Oppo: [131]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-SOMERS.
3 seconds
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 105
Event: 43
129 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-MACKAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx 8+
Race: 106
Event: 57
175 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SINNOTT WINNER.
Oppo: [176]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-TULLY-2.
7 seconds
Mx 8+
Race: 106
Event: 57
175 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SINNOTT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 2x
Race: 107
Event: 52
159 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WILLIAMS WINNER.
Oppo: [160]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-SWIFT-2.
2 seconds113 113
W J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 108
Event: 54
168 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-MYERS WINNER.
Oppo: [169]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-WILLIAMS.
3 seconds114 114
W J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 111
Event: 53
164 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-NELSON WINNER.
Oppo: [165]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-SWIFT.
13 seconds116 116
Mx MasC/D 8+
Race: 109
Event: 50
156 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-IRONS (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [155]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-HEATHCOCK (MasD).
0.5 seconds
Mx MasC/D 8+
Race: 109
Event: 50
156 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-IRONS (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 2x
Race: 112
Event: 52
162 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [163]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-BLACKBURN.
4 seconds120 120
W J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 110
Event: 53
166 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [167]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-COBB.
15 seconds116 116
Op J18 2x
Race: 113
Event: 52
161 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-NEALE WINNER.
Oppo: [159]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-WILLIAMS.
8 seconds120 120
Mx MasE/F/G 8+
Race: 115
Event: 51
158 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WOOD (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [157]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-KEELAN-2 (MasE).
3 seconds
Mx MasE/F/G 8+
Race: 115
Event: 51
158 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WOOD (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 114
Event: 54
168 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-MYERS WINNER.
Oppo: [170]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-DEAN-2.
1 second
W J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 114
Event: 54
168 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-MYERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 1x
Race: 117
Event: 58
177 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-COX WINNER.
Oppo: [178]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-CROWE-3.
16 seconds
Op 1x
Race: 117
Event: 58
177 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-COX <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasF/G/H 1x
Race: 119
Event: 56
174 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-VICK (MasH) WINNER.
Oppo: [173]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-HARLE-2 (MasF).
21 seconds
Op MasF/G/H 1x
Race: 119
Event: 56
174 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-VICK (MasH) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 116
Event: 53
166 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [164]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-NELSON.
5 seconds
W J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 116
Event: 53
166 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 2x
Race: 120
Event: 52
162 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [161]Northwich Rowing Club - NOW-NEALE.
5 seconds
Op J18 2x
Race: 120
Event: 52
162 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasC/D/E 1x
Race: 118
Event: 55
171 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-HAWORTH-2 (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [172]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-SLATTER-2 (MasE).
11 seconds
Op MasC/D/E 1x
Race: 118
Event: 55
171 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-HAWORTH-2 (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasD/E 8+
Race: 121
Event: 59
180 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ARGENT (MasD) WINNER.
Oppo: [179]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-LIGHT (MasE).
21 Seconds
W MasD/E 8+
Race: 121
Event: 59
180 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ARGENT (MasD) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 1x
Race: 126
Event: 64
198 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ROBERTSON WINNER.
Oppo: [197]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-WESTON.
1 second133 133
W J18 1x
Race: 122
Event: 64
194 Runcorn Rowing Club-RUN-MUSCART WINNER.
Oppo: [195]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-REED-2.
7 seconds127 127
Op J14 2x
Race: 125
Event: 63
189 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [190]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-OAKES-2.
14 seconds131 131
W J16 1x
Band 1
Race: 123
Event: 65
201 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [202]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-DEANE.
6 seconds129 129
W J16 1x
Band 1
Race: 124
Event: 65
200 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ROBERTS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [199]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-DE-STEUNDER.
1/2 seconds129 129
Op MasE/F/G 4x-
Race: 128
Event: 61
184 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTINDAVIES (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [185]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-KEELAN (MasE).
11 seconds
Op MasE/F/G 4x-
Race: 128
Event: 61
184 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTINDAVIES (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Race: 131
Event: 63
189 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [191]Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club - HOL-CHARNLEY.
19 seconds138 138
Op J14 2x
Race: 130
Event: 63
193 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-INCE WINNER.
Oppo: [192]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-PARARIKKAL-2.
14 seconds138 138
W J18 1x
Race: 127
Event: 64
196 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-RHEAD WINNER.
Oppo: [194]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-MUSCART.
4 seconds133 133
W J16 1x
Band 1
Race: 129
Event: 65
200 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ROBERTS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [201]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-LAWLEY-3.
2 seconds
W J16 1x
Band 1
Race: 129
Event: 65
200 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-ROBERTS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Race: 138
Event: 63
189 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [193]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-INCE.
3/4th second
Op J14 2x
Race: 138
Event: 63
189 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 1x
Race: 133
Event: 64
196 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-RHEAD WINNER.
Oppo: [198]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-ROBERTSON.
14 seconds
W J18 1x
Race: 133
Event: 64
196 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-RHEAD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 4x+
Race: 132
Event: 62
186 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-COLEBROOK WINNER.
Oppo: [187]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-BAINBRIDGE.
1 and 1/2 seconds139 139
Op 4x-
Race: 135
Event: 67
207 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-TALLANTYRE WINNER.
Oppo: [206]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-Geary.
6 seconds140 140
Op MasB/C 4x-
Race: 136
Event: 60
181 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE-2 (MasB) WINNER.
Oppo: [182]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-MORIARTY-2 (MasC).
15 seconds141 141
Op 4x-
Race: 134
Event: 67
209 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY WINNER.
Oppo: [208]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN- INCE.
4 seconds140 140
W J16 1x
Band 2
Race: 137
Event: 66
204 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER WINNER.
Oppo: [203]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-EFFINGHAM-2.
14 seconds142 142
Op MasB/C 4x-
Race: 141
Event: 60
181 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE-2 (MasB) WINNER.
Oppo: [183]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-PHILLIMORE (MasB).
19 seconds
Op MasB/C 4x-
Race: 141
Event: 60
181 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE-2 (MasB) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4x-
Race: 140
Event: 67
209 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY WINNER.
Oppo: [207]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-TALLANTYRE.
12 seconds
Op 4x-
Race: 140
Event: 67
209 Northwich Rowing Club-NOW-FINNEY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 4x+
Race: 139
Event: 62
188 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WELLS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [186]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-COLEBROOK.
4 seconds
W J15 4x+
Race: 139
Event: 62
188 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-WELLS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J16 1x
Band 2
Race: 142
Event: 66
204 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER WINNER.
Oppo: [205]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-MILADI.
22 seconds
W J16 1x
Band 2
Race: 142
Event: 66
204 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 8+
Race: 143
Event: 68
210 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-LENIHAN WINNER.
Oppo: [211]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-KIMMANCE.
12 seconds
W 8+
Race: 143
Event: 68
210 Newcastle University Boat Club-NEW-LENIHAN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 1x
Race: 145
Event: 76
228 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-CLAY WINNER.
Oppo: [227]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-BALES.
14 seconds151 151
W MasE/F 1x
Race: 147
Event: 75
226 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-HENRYS (MasF) WINNER.
Oppo: [225]Runcorn Rowing Club - RUN-JOHNSTONE (MasE).
36 seconds
W MasE/F 1x
Race: 147
Event: 75
226 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-HENRYS (MasF) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 2x
Race: 144
Event: 72
219 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-REED WINNER.
Oppo: [218]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-ROBERTSON-2.
5 seconds
W J18 2x
Race: 144
Event: 72
219 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-REED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx MasE/F/G 4x-
Race: 150
Event: 71
217 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-GREGORY (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [216]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-BUDD (MasE).
3 seconds
Mx MasE/F/G 4x-
Race: 150
Event: 71
217 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-GREGORY (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasC 1x
Race: 146
Event: 74
223 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-LEIGHTON WINNER.
Oppo: [224]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-INCE-4.
1 second
W MasC 1x
Race: 146
Event: 74
223 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-LEIGHTON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 1x
Race: 151
Event: 76
229 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-NOI WINNER.
Oppo: [228]Agecroft Rowing Club - AGE-CLAY.
2 seconds
W 1x
Race: 151
Event: 76
229 Agecroft Rowing Club-AGE-NOI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J16 2x
Race: 148
Event: 73
220 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-SLEE WINNER.
Oppo: [221]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-EFFINGHAM.
5 seconds153 153
Mx MasB/C 4x-
Race: 152
Event: 69
213 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE-3 (MasB) WINNER.
Oppo: [212]Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club - LAJ-MEADES (MasC).
1 and 1/2 seconds
Mx MasB/C 4x-
Race: 152
Event: 69
213 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-WATERHOUSE-3 (MasB) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx MasD 4x-
Race: 149
Event: 70
214 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-D'ARCY WINNER.
Oppo: [215]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-HELYAR.
3 seconds
Mx MasD 4x-
Race: 149
Event: 70
214 Lancaster John O'Gaunt Rowing Club-LAJ-D'ARCY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx 4x-
Race: 154
Event: 77
230 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-WITCHELL-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [231]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-ROBERTSON-3.
3 seconds
Mx 4x-
Race: 154
Event: 77
230 Hollingworth Lake Rowing Club-HOL-WITCHELL-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J16 2x
Race: 153
Event: 73
222 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [220]Warrington Rowing Club - WTN-SLEE.
W J16 2x
Race: 153
Event: 73
222 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-LAWLEY-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 91
Event: 46
140 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-INCE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [139]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CROSBY.
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 91
Event: 46
140 Warrington Rowing Club-WTN-INCE-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON WINNER..
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 94
Event: 44
132 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-PENKETH DISQUALIFIED. 101 101
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 94
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON Progress to race 101. 101 101
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
134 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WATTERSTON SCRATCHED.
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 101
Event: 44
133 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JOHNSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!