Event / Race Outcome Verdict Next Race
W 1x
Band 2
Race: 1
Event: 12
34 Doncaster Rowing Club-DON-BARNES WINNER.
Oppo: [33]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MORLEY.
2 Lengths10 10
W 1x
Band 2
Race: 2
Event: 12
Oppo: [31]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-RANSOME.
10 10
W 1x
Band 2
Race: 2
Event: 12
Oppo: [31]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-RANSOME.
2 Lengths10 10
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 3
Event: 2
Oppo: [7]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-HAGUE.
1 Length12 12
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 4
Event: 2
4 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-MINDENHALL WINNER.
Oppo: [5]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VALE-4.
2 Lengths12 12
W J16 1x
Race: 5
Event: 11
30 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER WINNER.
Oppo: [29]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MANNERS.
Canvas13 13
Op 2x
Band 2
Race: 7
Event: 13
35 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HODGSON WINNER.
Oppo: [36]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-HUGO.
14 14
W J16 1x
Race: 6
Event: 11
27 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-TUTE WINNER.
Oppo: [28]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-ATKINSON.
Canvas13 13
W 1x
Band 1
Race: 8
Event: 14
38 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ORMSTON WINNER.
Oppo: [39]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CAWKWELL.
3 Lengths15 15
W 1x
Band 2
Race: 10
Event: 12
Oppo: [34]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-BARNES.
3 Lengths
W 1x
Band 2
Race: 10
Event: 12
32 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-SIROKUROVA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 12
Event: 2
Oppo: [4]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-MINDENHALL.
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 12
Event: 2
6 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 4x+
Race: 9
Event: 3
9 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HOORELBEKE WINNER.
Oppo: [8]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-FORD.
17 17
Op J15 2x
Race: 11
Event: 6
16 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-CHAYTOR WINNER.
Oppo: [15]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MORLEY-2.
18 18
W J16 1x
Race: 13
Event: 11
30 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER WINNER.
Oppo: [27]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-TUTE.
3 Lengths
W J16 1x
Race: 13
Event: 11
30 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 1x
Band 1
Race: 15
Event: 14
40 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-TOWN WINNER.
Oppo: [38]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-ORMSTON.
3 Lengths
W 1x
Band 1
Race: 15
Event: 14
40 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-TOWN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Band 2
Race: 14
Event: 13
35 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HODGSON WINNER.
Oppo: [37]York St John University Boat Club - YSJ-GREEN.
Op 2x
Band 2
Race: 14
Event: 13
35 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HODGSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 16
Event: 15
41 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-CANDY WINNER.
Oppo: [42]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-VAN LOPIK.
1 Length23 23
Op J14 4x+
Race: 17
Event: 3
10 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [9]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-HOORELBEKE.
4 Lengths
Op J14 4x+
Race: 17
Event: 3
10 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SMITH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x
Race: 18
Event: 6
16 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-CHAYTOR WINNER.
Oppo: [17]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-HOLLINS.
Op J15 2x
Race: 18
Event: 6
16 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-CHAYTOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W Mas D/F 4+
Race: 19
Event: 1
2 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-LEIGHTON MasD WINNER.
Oppo: [1]Ancholme Rowing Club - ANC-BARKER MasD.
2 Lengths26 26
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 20
Event: 7
19 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-ROBERTSON WINNER.
Oppo: [18]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-MCDONALD.
Easily28 28
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 21
Event: 8
21 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS WINNER.
Oppo: [22]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-GATLAND.
4 Lengths
W J15 2x
Band 1
Race: 21
Event: 8
21 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 23
Event: 15
41 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-CANDY WINNER.
Oppo: [43]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-OLIVER.
Op 2x
Band 1
Race: 23
Event: 15
41 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-CANDY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Mas I 2x
Race: 22
Event: 5
14 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTIN-DAVIES WINNER.
Oppo: [13]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-MORLEY.
3 Lengths
Op Mas I 2x
Race: 22
Event: 5
14 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-AUSTIN-DAVIES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W Mas D/F 4+
Race: 26
Event: 1
3 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-OLIVER MasF WINNER.
Oppo: [2]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-LEIGHTON MasD.
1 Length
W Mas D/F 4+
Race: 26
Event: 1
3 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-OLIVER MasF <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J12 2x
Race: 24
Event: 16
45 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-CLARK WINNER.
Oppo: [44]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-WHITTAKER-3.
W J12 2x
Race: 24
Event: 16
45 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-CLARK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 3
Race: 25
Event: 9
23 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BURR WINNER.
Oppo: [24]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-DARCY.
3 Lengths
W J15 2x
Band 3
Race: 25
Event: 9
23 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BURR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 4x-
Race: 27
Event: 4
11 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [12]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-GLYN-MILLS.
1 Length
W J18 4x-
Race: 27
Event: 4
11 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 28
Event: 7
20 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-FAHEY WINNER.
Oppo: [19]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-ROBERTSON.
2 Lengths
W J15 2x
Band 2
Race: 28
Event: 7
20 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-FAHEY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 1x
Race: 29
Event: 10
25 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-MO-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [26]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-RATHBONE.
2 Lengths
Op J16 1x
Race: 29
Event: 10
25 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-MO-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
46 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON WINNER.
Oppo: [47]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-THOMPSON-2.
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
46 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 2x
Race: 31
Event: 25
68 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MILNER-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [67]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MANNERS-2.
Canvas37 37
W J18 2x
Race: 32
Event: 25
65 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [66]Gorse, The, Boat Club - GOR-PORTER-2.
2 Lengths37 37
W J14 2x
Race: 33
Event: 26
72 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON WINNER.
Oppo: [71]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-PARKER.
2 Lengths39 39
W J14 2x
Race: 34
Event: 26
69 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT WINNER.
Oppo: [70]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-JUDSON.
1 Length39 39
Op J15 1x
Race: 36
Event: 27
76 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [75]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-WEBSTER.
3 Lengths51 51
W J18 2x
Race: 37
Event: 25
65 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [68]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-MILNER-2.
2 Lengths
W J18 2x
Race: 37
Event: 25
65 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 2x
Band 2
Race: 35
Event: 30
83 York St John University Boat Club-YSJ-MARSH-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [84]Gorse, The, Boat Club - GOR-LAWN.
3 Lengths41 41
W J14 2x
Race: 39
Event: 26
69 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT WINNER.
Oppo: [72]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-SIMPSON.
3 Lengths
W J14 2x
Race: 39
Event: 26
69 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 1x
Race: 38
Event: 27
73 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-FORD WINNER.
Oppo: [74]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CUNLIFFE-LISTER.
Easily51 51
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 40
Event: 31
89 Doncaster Rowing Club-DON-BARNES-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [88]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-OLIJAR.
1 Length47 47
W 2x
Band 2
Race: 41
Event: 30
83 York St John University Boat Club-YSJ-MARSH-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [85]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-WILLIAMS-4.
2 Lengths
W 2x
Band 2
Race: 41
Event: 30
83 York St John University Boat Club-YSJ-MARSH-SMITH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 42
Event: 31
86 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BRAUN WINNER.
Oppo: [87]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-BATTY.
2 Lengths47 47
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 43
Event: 32
93 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [92]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MURPHY-3.
1 Length49 49
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 44
Event: 32
91 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [90]Ancholme Rowing Club - ANC-DOYLE-2.
1 Length49 49
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 44
Event: 32
90 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-DOYLE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [91]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MERRIOTT-2.
Easily49 49
Mx 4x-
Race: 45
Event: 33
95 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-BARNES WINNER.
Oppo: [94]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VAN LOPIK-4.
Canvas50 50
Op J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 46
Event: 22
57 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WHITE WINNER.
Oppo: [56]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-SMITH-2.
1 Length52 52
Op J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 48
Event: 23
60 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-VAN LOPIK WINNER.
Oppo: [59]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-HIGGS-2.
Easily53 53
Mx 4x-
Race: 50
Event: 33
95 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-BARNES WINNER.
Oppo: [96]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MURPHY.
Mx 4x-
Race: 50
Event: 33
95 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-BARNES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 47
Event: 31
86 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BRAUN WINNER.
Oppo: [89]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-BARNES-2.
1 Length
W 2x
Band 1
Race: 47
Event: 31
86 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BRAUN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 44
Event: 32
91 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [90]Ancholme Rowing Club - ANC-DOYLE-2.
49 49
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 43
Event: 32
93 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [92]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MURPHY-3.
49 49
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 49
Event: 32
91 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [93]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-WILLIAMS-2.
1 Length
Op 1x
Band 1
Race: 49
Event: 32
91 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 1x
Race: 51
Event: 27
73 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-FORD WINNER.
Oppo: [76]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MORLEY-3.
2 Lengths
Op J15 1x
Race: 51
Event: 27
73 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-FORD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 52
Event: 22
58 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-GRAHAM WINNER.
Oppo: [57]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-WHITE.
Op J14 2x
Band 1
Race: 52
Event: 22
58 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-GRAHAM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 53
Event: 23
60 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-VAN LOPIK WINNER.
Oppo: [61]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-SZPAK-2.
2 Lengths
Op J14 2x
Band 2
Race: 53
Event: 23
60 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-VAN LOPIK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Band 3
Race: 54
Event: 24
62 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-WORSLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [63]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-BRADLEY.
59 59
Op 1x
Band 2
Race: 55
Event: 34
98 Doncaster Rowing Club-DON-BAKER WINNER.
Oppo: [97]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CHURCHILL.
60 60
W J13 1x
Race: 56
Event: 35
100 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [101]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-MATTHEWS.
3 Lengths61 61
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 57
Event: 28
78 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-TUTE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [77]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-WILLIAMS-3.
62 62
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 58
Event: 29
81 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-PICKERING Did Not Start. 63 63
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 58
Event: 29
80 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-GATLAND-2 Progress to race 63. 63 63
Op 1x
Band 2
Race: 55
Event: 34
97 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-CHURCHILL SCRATCHED. 60 60
Op 1x
Band 2
Race: 55
Event: 34
98 Doncaster Rowing Club-DON-BAKER Progress to race 60. 60 60
W J13 1x
Race: 61
Event: 35
100 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [102]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-WILKS.
W J13 1x
Race: 61
Event: 35
100 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 63
Event: 29
80 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-GATLAND-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [82]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CHANDLER.
3 Lengths
W J15 1x
Band 2
Race: 63
Event: 29
80 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-GATLAND-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Band 3
Race: 59
Event: 24
64 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [62]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-WORSLEY.
Op J14 2x
Band 3
Race: 59
Event: 24
64 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-SMITH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J12 1x
Race: 64
Event: 36
104 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MAKINSON GURR-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [103]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-CLARK-2.
W J12 1x
Race: 64
Event: 36
104 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MAKINSON GURR-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx Mas D/E 4+
Race: 65
Event: 19
50 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-EARLEY MasE WINNER.
Oppo: [51]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-MCGLONE MasD.
Mx Mas D/E 4+
Race: 65
Event: 19
50 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-EARLEY MasE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 62
Event: 28
79 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ANDERSON WINNER.
Oppo: [78]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-TUTE-2.
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 62
Event: 28
79 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ANDERSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 1x
Band 2
Race: 60
Event: 34
99 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-DENTON WINNER.
Oppo: [98]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-BAKER.
Op 1x
Band 2
Race: 60
Event: 34
99 Ancholme Rowing Club-ANC-DENTON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 4x+
Race: 66
Event: 37
106 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WATTERSTON WINNER.
Oppo: [105]Ancholme Rowing Club - ANC-ISAAC.
W 4x+
Race: 66
Event: 37
106 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-WATTERSTON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Mas E/G 4x-
Race: 67
Event: 18
49 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-JONES-2 MasG WINNER.
Oppo: [48]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-SHILLITO MasE.
Op Mas E/G 4x-
Race: 67
Event: 18
49 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-JONES-2 MasG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J12 1x
Race: 68
Event: 38
107 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-VALE-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [108]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-PACKHAM.
Op J12 1x
Race: 68
Event: 38
107 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-VALE-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 1x
Race: 69
Event: 39
109 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [110]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-THOMPSON.
Op J13 1x
Race: 69
Event: 39
109 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 2x
Race: 70
Event: 21
54 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-DUTTON-BURROWS WINNER.
Oppo: [55]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-WILLIS-2.
3 Lengths
Op J18 2x
Race: 70
Event: 21
54 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-DUTTON-BURROWS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 4x-
Race: 71
Event: 20
53 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WRACK WINNER.
Oppo: [52]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VALE.
2 Lengths
Op J16 4x-
Race: 71
Event: 20
53 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WRACK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4x-
Race: 72
Event: 40
111 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SIMPSON WINNER.
Oppo: [112]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-MINDENHALL-2.
1 Length
Op 4x-
Race: 72
Event: 40
111 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SIMPSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 73
Event: 50
141 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-TRY WINNER.
Oppo: [142]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MORLEY-5.
79 79
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 74
Event: 50
140 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ANDERSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [139]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VAN LOPIK-3.
Canvas79 79
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 75
Event: 51
145 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-KERR WINNER.
Oppo: [146]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-GRAHAM-2.
1 Length81 81
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 76
Event: 51
143 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [144]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-SMITH-3.
Easily81 81
W J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 77
Event: 53
152 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-TOWN-2 SCRATCHED. 82 82
W J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 77
Event: 53
151 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-6 Progress to race 82. 82 82
W J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 77
Event: 53
151 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MORLEY-6 WINNER.. 82 82
Op J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 80
Event: 47
129 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-HOLT-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [130]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-WILLIS.
Easily86 86
W J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 82
Event: 53
153 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-SIROKUROVA-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [151]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MORLEY-6.
3 Lengths
W J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 82
Event: 53
153 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-SIROKUROVA-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 81
Event: 51
143 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [145]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-KERR.
Op J14 1x
Band 1
Race: 81
Event: 51
143 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-SIMPSON-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 84
Event: 48
133 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SIMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [134]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-WATTERSTON-2.
2 Lengths89 89
Op J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 78
Event: 47
131 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-PENKETH-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [132]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-BENNETT.
Easily86 86
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 79
Event: 50
141 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-TRY WINNER.
Oppo: [140]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-ANDERSON-2.
Op J14 1x
Band 2
Race: 79
Event: 50
141 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-TRY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 83
Event: 48
136 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-SMITH WINNER.
Oppo: [135]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-MANGHARAM.
89 89
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 89
Event: 48
133 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SIMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [136]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-SMITH.
3 Lengths
Op J18 1x
Band 2
Race: 89
Event: 48
133 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SIMPSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J16 2x
Race: 85
Event: 45
126 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-OLIJAR-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [125]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-PICKERING-2.
92 92
Op J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 86
Event: 47
131 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-PENKETH-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [129]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-HOLT-2.
Op J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 86
Event: 47
131 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-PENKETH-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J16 2x
Race: 87
Event: 45
123 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MCDONALD WINNER.
Oppo: [124]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-MCLONE.
Easily92 92
Op J14 1x
Band 3
Race: 88
Event: 52
150 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-SZPAK-2-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [149]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-QUARMBY.
Easily95 95
Op J14 1x
Band 3
Race: 90
Event: 52
148 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HIGGS-2-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [147]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-BHOBE.
Easily95 95
W J15 4x+
Race: 91
Event: 42
115 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [116]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-TUTE-3.
3 Lengths96 96
W J16 2x
Race: 92
Event: 45
123 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MCDONALD WINNER.
Oppo: [126]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-OLIJAR-2.
1 Length
W J16 2x
Race: 92
Event: 45
123 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MCDONALD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 1x
Band 3
Race: 95
Event: 52
148 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HIGGS-2-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [150]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-SZPAK-2-2.
1 Length
Op J14 1x
Band 3
Race: 95
Event: 52
148 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-HIGGS-2-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 93
Event: 54
155 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MANNERS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [154]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CUNLIFFE-LISTER-2.
Canvas98 98
W J15 4x+
Race: 96
Event: 42
115 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [117]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-CAULFIELD.
W J15 4x+
Race: 96
Event: 42
115 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-KNIGHT-4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 94
Event: 55
158 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-SHILLITO WINNER.
Oppo: [157]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-GOODMAN.
Easily99 99
W 4x-
Race: 113
Event: 63
177 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BRAUN-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [178]York St John University Boat Club - YSJ-BROWN-2.
3 Lengths
W 4x-
Race: 113
Event: 63
177 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-BRAUN-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Race: 97
Event: 56
160 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-HAWES WINNER.
Oppo: [161]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-CONLEY.
102 102
W J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 99
Event: 55
158 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-SHILLITO WINNER.
Oppo: [159]Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association - DOS-COLODI.
W J18 1x
Band 3
Race: 99
Event: 55
158 Doncaster Schools' Rowing Association-DOS-SHILLITO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 98
Event: 54
155 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MANNERS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [156]St Peter's School Boat Club - SPY-RIDGWAY-HILL.
W J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 98
Event: 54
155 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MANNERS-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Mx 2x
Band 1
Race: 100
Event: 57
163 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS-5 WINNER.
Oppo: [164]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-TIYENGA-2.
1 Length105 105
Op J16 2x
Band 1
Race: 101
Event: 43
119 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WRACK-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [118]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-FRANCEY.
1 Length107 107
W J14 1x
Race: 102
Event: 56
160 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-HAWES WINNER.
Oppo: [162]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-PARKER-2.
2 Lengths
W J14 1x
Race: 102
Event: 56
160 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-HAWES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 4x+
Race: 103
Event: 58
166 Gorse, The, Boat Club-GOR-WARREN WINNER.
Oppo: [167]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-MULLEN.
3 Lengths108 108
Mx 2x
Band 1
Race: 105
Event: 57
163 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS-5 WINNER.
Oppo: [165]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-ORMSTON-2.
Mx 2x
Band 1
Race: 105
Event: 57
163 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-WILLIAMS-5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 104
Event: 49
138 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [137]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VAN LOPIK-2.
1 Length
Op J18 1x
Band 1
Race: 104
Event: 49
138 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-MERRIOTT-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 2x
Band 1
Race: 107
Event: 43
119 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WRACK-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [120]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-VALE-2.
1 Length
Op J16 2x
Band 1
Race: 107
Event: 43
119 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WRACK-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 2x
Band 2
Race: 106
Event: 44
122 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-MO WINNER.
Oppo: [121]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-WARMAN.
Op J16 2x
Band 2
Race: 106
Event: 44
122 St Peter's School Boat Club-SPY-MO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 4x+
Race: 108
Event: 58
166 Gorse, The, Boat Club-GOR-WARREN WINNER.
Oppo: [168]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-THOMPSON-3.
1 Length
Op J13 4x+
Race: 108
Event: 58
166 Gorse, The, Boat Club-GOR-WARREN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J12 4x+
Race: 110
Event: 60
171 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-CHAMBERS WINNER.
Oppo: [172]Gorse, The, Boat Club - GOR-TAYLOR.
W J12 4x+
Race: 110
Event: 60
171 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-CHAMBERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasG 1x
Race: 114
Event: 46
127 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-DUNHILL SCRATCHED.
Op MasG 1x
Race: 114
Event: 46
128 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-JONES SCRATCHED.
Mx 2x
Band 2
Race: 112
Event: 62
176 South College (Durham) Boat Club-Barker WINNER.
Oppo: [175]Tees Rowing Club - TEE-RANSOME-2.
4 Lengths
Mx 2x
Band 2
Race: 112
Event: 62
176 South College (Durham) Boat Club-Barker <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W Mas D/E 4x-
Race: 115
Event: 41
113 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MOULD MasE WINNER.
Oppo: [114]Doncaster Rowing Club - DON-MICKLETHWAITE Mas D.
W Mas D/E 4x-
Race: 115
Event: 41
113 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-MOULD MasE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 4x+
Race: 109
Event: 59
170 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WILKS-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [169]Gorse, The, Boat Club - GOR-SCOTT.
W J13 4x+
Race: 109
Event: 59
170 Durham School Boat Club-DUS-WILKS-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J12 4x+
Race: 111
Event: 61
174 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-WOOD-WILLIAMS WINNER.
Oppo: [173]Gorse, The, Boat Club - GOR-ACHAEMPONG.
Op J12 4x+
Race: 111
Event: 61
174 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-WOOD-WILLIAMS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
47 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-THOMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [46]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-NICHOLSON.
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
47 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-THOMPSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
47 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-THOMPSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [46]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-NICHOLSON.
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
47 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-THOMPSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
46 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON WINNER.
Oppo: [47]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-THOMPSON-2.
Op J13 2x
Race: 30
Event: 17
46 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-NICHOLSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 62
Event: 28
79 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ANDERSON WINNER.
Oppo: [78]Durham School Boat Club - DUS-TUTE-2.
W J15 1x
Band 1
Race: 62
Event: 28
79 Tees Rowing Club-TEE-ANDERSON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J12 1x
Race: 64
Event: 36
104 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MAKINSON GURR-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [103]Bradford Grammar School Boat Club - BRG-CLARK-2.
W J12 1x
Race: 64
Event: 36
104 Bradford Grammar School Boat Club-BRG-MAKINSON GURR-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!