Event / Race Outcome Verdict Next Race
W J14 8x+
Race: 172
Event: 32
235 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC- Blackwell SCRATCHED. 186 186
W J14 8x+
Race: 172
Event: 32
236 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-B Progress to race 186. 186 186
W J13 2x
Race: 180
Event: 55
348 Merchant Taylors School Boat Club-MTS-AGRIMI SCRATCHED. 195 195
W J13 2x
Race: 180
Event: 55
349 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-NELSON Progress to race 195. 195 195
Op 1x
Race: 103
Event: 47
304 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-WATTERSON SCRATCHED. 122 122
Op 1x
Race: 103
Event: 47
305 Windermere Rowing Club-WDM-MORRIS-3 Progress to race 122. 122 122
W 2x
Race: 11
Event: 20
187 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-GOWLING SCRATCHED. 26 26
W 2x
Race: 11
Event: 20
188 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-MORRIS Progress to race 26. 26 26
W 4x-
Race: 152
Event: 51
331 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-JOHNSON SCRATCHED. 164 164
W 4x-
Race: 152
Event: 51
332 Trentham Boat Club-STK-FOX Progress to race 164. 164 164
Op 1x
Race: 104
Event: 47
303 Mersey Rowing Club-MES-MACHADO SCRATCHED. 122 122
Op 1x
Race: 104
Event: 47
302 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-ROBERTS-2 Progress to race 122. 122 122
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 7
Event: 15
162 York City Rowing Club-YRK-BRANDRETH SCRATCHED. 24 24
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 7
Event: 15
161 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROUGH Progress to race 24. 24 24
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 5
Event: 15
166 York City Rowing Club-YRK-FERGUSON SCRATCHED. 23 23
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 5
Event: 15
165 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-DAVIES Progress to race 23. 23 23
W J15 4x+
Race: 109
Event: 36
257 York City Rowing Club-YRK-BRANDRETH-2 SCRATCHED. 125 125
W J15 4x+
Race: 109
Event: 36
256 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-TURNER-2-2 Progress to race 125. 125 125
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 1
Event: 14
157 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-LONGDEN WINNER.
Oppo: [158]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-PERKS.
3 Lengths21 21
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 2
Event: 14
156 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LOCKERBIE WINNER.
Oppo: [155]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-VALLANCE.
2 Lengths21 21
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 3
Event: 14
154 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WEHBEH WINNER.
Oppo: [153]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-JONES.
Distance22 22
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 4
Event: 14
152 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-CRIPPS WINNER.
Oppo: [151]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-BAKER BRADBURY.
4 Lengths22 22
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 6
Event: 15
164 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PICTON-E WINNER.
Oppo: [163]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-THOMPSON.
Canvas23 23
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 8
Event: 15
160 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PICTON L WINNER.
Oppo: [159]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-REANEY.
Distance24 24
W 2x
Race: 9
Event: 20
192 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TURTLE WINNER.
Oppo: [191]Mersey Rowing Club - MES-HEALD.
Distance25 25
W 2x
Race: 10
Event: 20
189 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-VAN DE STOUWE WINNER.
Oppo: [190]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-CHRYSTIE-LOWE.
3 Lengths25 25
W J15 1x
Race: 17
Event: 19
184 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG WINNER.
Oppo: [183]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-PHILLIPS.
Distance29 29
W 2x
Race: 12
Event: 20
185 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CYBIS WINNER.
Oppo: [186]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-CONWAY.
3 Lengths26 26
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 21
Event: 14
157 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-LONGDEN WINNER.
Oppo: [156]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-LOCKERBIE.
Distance40 40
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 22
Event: 14
154 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WEHBEH WINNER.
Oppo: [152]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-CRIPPS.
4 Lengths40 40
Op Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 58
Event: 24
211 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS SCRATCHED. 66 66
Op Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 58
Event: 24
210 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HARRIS Progress to race 66. 66 66
Op J15 4x+
Race: 16
Event: 7
121 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Fearnhead WINNER.
Oppo: [120]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-SMITH.
2 Lengths28 28
Op J15 4x+
Race: 13
Event: 7
126 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Latham WINNER.
Oppo: [127]Mersey Rowing Club - MES-HUSNEE.
Distance27 27
Op J15 4x+
Race: 14
Event: 7
125 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FOSTER WINNER.
Oppo: [124]York City Rowing Club - YRK-PEARSON.
1/2 Length27 27
W J15 1x
Race: 19
Event: 19
180 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-TOVELL WINNER.
Oppo: [179]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-HOPKINS.
Distance30 30
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 23
Event: 15
165 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-DAVIES WINNER.
Oppo: [164]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-PICTON-E.
1/2 Length41 41
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 24
Event: 15
160 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PICTON L WINNER.
Oppo: [161]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-BROUGH.
3 Feet41 41
Op J15 4x+
Race: 15
Event: 7
122 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-TOPPING WINNER.
Oppo: [123]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-GREGSON.
Distance28 28
W 2x
Race: 25
Event: 20
192 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TURTLE WINNER.
Oppo: [189]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-VAN DE STOUWE.
3 Lengths42 42
W J15 1x
Race: 18
Event: 19
182 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WHISTANCE WINNER.
Oppo: [181]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-DEAVILLE.
3 Lengths29 29
W J15 1x
Race: 20
Event: 19
178 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-TURNER-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [177]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-DE-STEUNDER.
Distance30 30
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 40
Event: 14
154 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WEHBEH WINNER.
Oppo: [157]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-LONGDEN.
2 1/2 Lengths
W J15 2x Band 1
Race: 40
Event: 14
154 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WEHBEH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 4x+
Race: 27
Event: 7
125 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FOSTER WINNER.
Oppo: [126]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC - Latham.
4 Lengths43 43
W 2x
Race: 26
Event: 20
185 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CYBIS WINNER.
Oppo: [188]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-MORRIS.
Distance42 42
Op J15 4x+
Race: 28
Event: 7
121 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Fearnhead WINNER.
Oppo: [122]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-TOPPING.
2 Lengths43 43
W J15 1x
Race: 29
Event: 19
184 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG WINNER.
Oppo: [182]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-WHISTANCE.
2 1/2 Lengths44 44
W J15 1x
Race: 30
Event: 19
178 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-TURNER-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [180]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-TOVELL.
2 Lengths44 44
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 41
Event: 15
160 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PICTON L WINNER.
Oppo: [165]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-DAVIES.
1 Length
W J15 2x Band 2
Race: 41
Event: 15
160 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PICTON L <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 4x+
Race: 32
Event: 9
132 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [131]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-NELSON-2.
4 Lengths46 46
Op J14 2x
Race: 35
Event: 13
148 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LOPEZ VENEROSO WINNER.
Oppo: [147]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-ANDREICHUK.
Distance49 49
W 2x
Race: 42
Event: 20
192 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TURTLE WINNER.
Oppo: [185]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CYBIS.
3 1/2 Lengths
W 2x
Race: 42
Event: 20
192 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TURTLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 33
Event: 21
196 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JACKSON WINNER.
Oppo: [195]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-ROBERTS.
2 1/2 Lengths47 47
Op J15 4x+
Race: 43
Event: 7
125 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FOSTER WINNER.
Oppo: [121]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC - Fearnhead.
2 Lengths
Op J15 4x+
Race: 43
Event: 7
125 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FOSTER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 1x
Race: 44
Event: 19
184 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG WINNER.
Oppo: [178]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-TURNER-2.
1 Length
W J15 1x
Race: 44
Event: 19
184 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 4x+
Race: 31
Event: 9
136 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BAGSHAW WINNER.
Oppo: [135]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-ODIYOOR.
Distance45 45
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 34
Event: 21
193 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-DATNOW-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [194]Merchant Taylors School Boat Club - MTS-SURROCA-MARIN.
1 1/2 Lengths48 48
W 1x
Race: 39
Event: 23
203 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HARDISTY WINNER.
Oppo: [204]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-BODEN.
Distance52 52
W J14 4x+
Race: 46
Event: 9
132 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [133]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-CRUTCHLEY.
1 Length60 60
W J14 4x+
Race: 46
Event: 9
133 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-CRUTCHLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [132]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-MULHOLLAND-3.
1 Length60 60
Op J14 2x
Race: 36
Event: 13
146 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-PICKERING WINNER.
Oppo: [145]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-WOZNIAK.
1 1/2 Lengths50 50
Op J14 2x
Race: 49
Event: 13
148 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LOPEZ VENEROSO WINNER.
Oppo: [150]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-BETTINI.
1 1/2 Lengths62 62
W Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 38
Event: 22
199 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR WINNER.
Oppo: [200]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-LOBATO JONES.
4 Lengths53 53
W J14 4x+
Race: 45
Event: 9
136 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BAGSHAW WINNER.
Oppo: [137]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-NOCK.
1 Length60 60
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 47
Event: 21
196 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-JACKSON WINNER.
Oppo: [198]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-DAVIES.
Distance61 61
W Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 37
Event: 22
202 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WEHBEH-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [201]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-Sykes.
2 Lengths53 53
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 48
Event: 21
193 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-DATNOW-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [197]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-KNIGHT.
1 Length61 61
W 1x
Race: 52
Event: 23
203 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HARDISTY WINNER.
Oppo: [205]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-QUILTY.
4 Lengths63 63
Op J14 2x
Race: 50
Event: 13
149 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL WINNER.
Oppo: [146]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-PICKERING.
1 Length62 62
W J14 4x+
Race: 60
Event: 9
133 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-CRUTCHLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [136]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-BAGSHAW.
2 Lengths
W J14 4x+
Race: 60
Event: 9
133 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-CRUTCHLEY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 1x
Race: 51
Event: 23
206 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-MARSTAD WINNER.
Oppo: [207]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-TUBB.
2 Lengths63 63
Op J14 1x
Race: 55
Event: 18
173 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-MORRISON WINNER.
Oppo: [174]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-MALTBY-2-2.
2 Lengths64 64
Op J14 1x
Race: 54
Event: 18
176 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-HARDISTY WINNER.
Oppo: [175]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-WIGFALL.
Distance64 64
W Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 53
Event: 22
199 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR WINNER.
Oppo: [202]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-WEHBEH-2.
4 Lengths
W Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 53
Event: 22
199 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 61
Event: 21
193 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-DATNOW-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [196]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-JACKSON.
1/2 Length
Op Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 61
Event: 21
193 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-DATNOW-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 2x
Race: 62
Event: 13
149 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL WINNER.
Oppo: [148]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-LOPEZ VENEROSO.
2 Lengths
Op J14 2x
Race: 62
Event: 13
149 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-GELL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 59
Event: 24
209 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [208]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-GOODING.
3 Lengths66 66
W 1x
Race: 63
Event: 23
203 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HARDISTY WINNER.
Oppo: [206]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-MARSTAD.
2 Lengths
W 1x
Race: 63
Event: 23
203 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HARDISTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 1x
Race: 56
Event: 17
172 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-gordon WINNER.
Oppo: [171]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-RAFFERTY.
1 1/2 Lengths65 65
Op J16 1x
Race: 57
Event: 17
170 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-GOODE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [169]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-DONALD.
Distance65 65
Op J14 1x
Race: 64
Event: 18
176 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-HARDISTY WINNER.
Oppo: [173]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-MORRISON.
1 Length
Op J14 1x
Race: 64
Event: 18
176 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-HARDISTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 1x
Race: 65
Event: 17
170 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-GOODE-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [172]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-gordon.
Op J16 1x
Race: 65
Event: 17
170 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-GOODE-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasC 2x
Race: 92
Event: 10
138 Mersey Rowing Club-MES-COYNE WINNER.
Oppo: [139]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-FINETTE.
Op MasC 2x
Race: 92
Event: 10
138 Mersey Rowing Club-MES-COYNE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 66
Event: 24
209 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [210]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-HARRIS.
2 Lengths
Op Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 66
Event: 24
209 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MORRIS-3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 4+
Race: 68
Event: 6
117 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Le Brocq WINNER.
Oppo: [116]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-BROCKLEBANK.
3 Lengths81 81
Op J15 4+
Race: 67
Event: 6
119 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Thorp WINNER.
Oppo: [118]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-WHITEMAN.
1 1/281 81
Op MasD/E 2x
Race: 74
Event: 11
140 Southport Boat Club-SBC-LEA (MasD) WINNER.
Oppo: [141]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-FREETH (MasD).
2 Lengths85 85
Op MasC/D/E 4+
Race: 73
Event: 2
105 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WHISTANCE-2 (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [106]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-HARPER (MasE).
1/3 Length84 84
W MasE/F 4x-
Race: 71
Event: 4
113 Rex Boat Club-Rex (WMasF) WINNER.
Oppo: [110]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-GIBSON (WMasE).
2 Lengths83 83
Op 4x-
Race: 70
Event: 25
212 Windermere Rowing Club-WDM-LEE WINNER.
Oppo: [213]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-WHYMAN.
Bow Ball82 82
Op 4x-
Race: 69
Event: 25
215 Trentham Boat Club-STK-DUNN WINNER.
Oppo: [214]Bangor University Boat Club - UNW-MCNULTY.
Distance82 82
Op J14 8x+
Race: 72
Event: 1
100 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A WINNER.
Oppo: [101]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC- Parry.
Distance80 80
Op J13 1x
Race: 77
Event: 27
220 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CROSBY WINNER.
Oppo: [219]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-WEHBEH-3.
Distance88 88
W J16 4x-
Race: 75
Event: 8
128 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-LEACH WINNER.
Oppo: [129]York City Rowing Club - YRK-BOSHOFF.
1 1/286 86
Op 8+
Race: 78
Event: 28
222 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-BRIGHTMORE WINNER.
Oppo: [223]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-HEPPENSTALL-BATTY-2.
1/2 Length89 89
Op J15 4+
Race: 81
Event: 6
117 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Le Brocq WINNER.
Oppo: [119]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC - Thorp.
1 Length
Op J15 4+
Race: 81
Event: 6
117 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Le Brocq <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4x-
Race: 82
Event: 25
212 Windermere Rowing Club-WDM-LEE WINNER.
Oppo: [215]Trentham Boat Club - STK-DUNN.
1 1/2 Lengths
Op 4x-
Race: 82
Event: 25
212 Windermere Rowing Club-WDM-LEE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasC/D/E 4+
Race: 84
Event: 2
105 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WHISTANCE-2 (MasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [107]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-HELYAR (MasD).
2/3 Length
Op MasC/D/E 4+
Race: 84
Event: 2
105 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WHISTANCE-2 (MasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 8x+
Race: 79
Event: 1
103 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN- B WINNER.
Oppo: [104]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC- Shapland.
3/4 Length97 97
Op 4+
Race: 76
Event: 26
216 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-SEN MEN 4+ WINNER.
Oppo: [217]Bangor University Boat Club - UNW-NEAVES.
Distance87 87
W MasE/F 4x-
Race: 83
Event: 4
113 Rex Boat Club-Rex (WMasF) WINNER.
Oppo: [111]Rex Boat Club - REX-WALKER (WMasE).
W MasE/F 4x-
Race: 83
Event: 4
113 Rex Boat Club-Rex (WMasF) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasD/E 2x
Race: 85
Event: 11
140 Southport Boat Club-SBC-LEA (MasD) WINNER.
Oppo: [142]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-DICKINSON (MasE).
1/4 Length
Op MasD/E 2x
Race: 85
Event: 11
140 Southport Boat Club-SBC-LEA (MasD) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 8x+
Race: 80
Event: 1
100 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A WINNER.
Oppo: [102]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-MULHOLLAND.
3 Lengths97 97
W J16 4x-
Race: 86
Event: 8
128 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-LEACH WINNER.
Oppo: [130]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-PINNINGTON.
4 Lengths
W J16 4x-
Race: 86
Event: 8
128 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-LEACH <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J13 1x
Race: 88
Event: 27
221 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO WINNER.
Oppo: [220]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CROSBY.
4 Lengths
Op J13 1x
Race: 88
Event: 27
221 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-LO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 4+
Race: 91
Event: 5
114 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FULLALOVE WINNER.
Oppo: [115]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-LE BROCQ.
3 Lengths
Op J16 4+
Race: 91
Event: 5
114 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FULLALOVE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 8+
Race: 89
Event: 28
224 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-REX WINNER.
Oppo: [222]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-BRIGHTMORE.
1 1/4 Lengths
Op 8+
Race: 89
Event: 28
224 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-REX <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J16 2-
Race: 90
Event: 12
144 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-HUNT-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [143]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-TIMMONS-WILLIAMS.
3/4 Length
Op J16 2-
Race: 90
Event: 12
144 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-HUNT-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 4+
Race: 87
Event: 26
216 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-SEN MEN 4+ WINNER.
Oppo: [218]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-ASHWORTH.
1 1/2 Lengths
Op 4+
Race: 87
Event: 26
216 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-SEN MEN 4+ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasC/D 4x-
Race: 94
Event: 3
109 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-BRANKOV (WMasC) WINNER.
Oppo: [108]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-GREGORY (WMasD).
108 DSQ for leaving the course
W MasC/D 4x-
Race: 94
Event: 3
109 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-BRANKOV (WMasC) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasE/F 1x
Race: 93
Event: 16
168 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TILSTON (MasF) WINNER.
Oppo: [167]Trentham Boat Club - STK-MCATEER (MasE).
Op MasE/F 1x
Race: 93
Event: 16
168 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-TILSTON (MasF) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 8x+
Race: 97
Event: 1
100 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A WINNER.
Oppo: [103]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN- B.
3 Lengths
Op J14 8x+
Race: 97
Event: 1
100 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 4x+
Race: 96
Event: 30
227 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WARREN WINNER.
Oppo: [228]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-SANSOM.
W J13 4x+
Race: 96
Event: 30
227 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-WARREN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Race: 157
Event: 46
300 Merchant Taylors School Boat Club-MTS-LYONS SCRATCHED. 166 166
W J14 1x
Race: 157
Event: 46
301 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROWN Progress to race 166. 166 166
W 4-
Race: 95
Event: 29
226 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-EGGER WINNER.
Oppo: [225]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-ROACH.
1 1/4 Lengths
W 4-
Race: 95
Event: 29
226 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-EGGER <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Kings Coronation Cup
Race: 98
Event: 31
232 Bradford ARC-Bradford Aire-Heads WINNER.
Oppo: [231]Southport BC - Southport Seasiders.
1 Length100 100
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 108
Event: 48
311 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-MATTHEWS SCRATCHED. 124 124
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 108
Event: 48
310 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-THOMPSON Progress to race 124. 124 124
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 106
Event: 48
315 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-SCOTT WINNER.
Oppo: [314]Merchant Taylors School Boat Club - MTS-BLANCHFLOWER.
5 Lengths123 123
Op 1x
Race: 102
Event: 47
306 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-WALKER WINNER.
Oppo: [307]Mersey Rowing Club - MES-NEPRYAHIN.
1 1/2 Lengths121 121
Op 1x
Race: 101
Event: 47
308 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [309]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-BRADLEY.
5 Lengths121 121
Kings Coronation Cup
Race: 99
Event: 31
230 Dee Clubs-Deva Die-Hards WINNER.
Oppo: [229]Trafford RC - Bridgewater Bees.
4 Lengths100 100
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 105
Event: 48
317 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-NUGENT WINNER.
Oppo: [316]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-SMART.
3 Feet123 123
Op 1x
Race: 122
Event: 47
305 Windermere Rowing Club-WDM-MORRIS-3 WINNER.
Oppo: [302]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-ROBERTS-2.
2 Lengths141 141
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 107
Event: 48
313 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-CLIFFORD WINNER.
Oppo: [312]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-OLIVER-KLUCZNIK.
1 Length124 124
W J15 4x+
Race: 110
Event: 36
255 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-HIGNETT WINNER.
Oppo: [254]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-KIMBERLEY.
Distance125 125
Op 1x
Race: 121
Event: 47
308 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [306]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-WALKER.
Distance141 141
W J15 4x+
Race: 111
Event: 36
252 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-TWIGG WINNER.
Oppo: [253]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-LOACH.
1 Length126 126
W J15 4x+
Race: 112
Event: 36
251 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-WJ15 4x A WINNER.
Oppo: [250]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-LAWLEY.
4 Lengths126 126
Kings Coronation Cup
Race: 100
Event: 31
230 Dee Clubs-Deva Die-Hards WINNER.
Oppo: [232]Bradford ARC - Bradford Aire-Heads.
3 Lengths
Kings Coronation Cup
Race: 100
Event: 31
230 Dee Clubs-Deva Die-Hards <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 115
Event: 40
267 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-MALLON WINNER.
Oppo: [268]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-LEE.
4 Lengths128 128
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 116
Event: 40
265 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-COATES WINNER.
Oppo: [266]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-TOPPING.
3 Lengths128 128
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 113
Event: 40
271 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-DUNKERLEY WINNER.
Oppo: [272]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-JONES.
1 Length127 127
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 114
Event: 40
270 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-BOROJEVIC WINNER.
Oppo: [269]York City Rowing Club - YRK-JACKSON.
Distance127 127
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 124
Event: 48
310 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-THOMPSON WINNER.
Oppo: [313]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-CLIFFORD.
Distance142 142
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 123
Event: 48
317 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-NUGENT WINNER.
Oppo: [315]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-SCOTT.
3 Lengths142 142
Op 1x
Race: 141
Event: 47
308 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [305]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-MORRIS-3.
Op 1x
Race: 141
Event: 47
308 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-FARAG-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 4x+
Race: 126
Event: 36
251 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-WJ15 4x A WINNER.
Oppo: [252]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-TWIGG.
2 Lengths143 143
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 128
Event: 40
267 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-MALLON WINNER.
Oppo: [265]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-COATES.
2 Lengths144 144
W J15 4x+
Race: 125
Event: 36
255 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-HIGNETT WINNER.
Oppo: [256]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-TURNER-2-2.
2 Lengths143 143
Op J14 4x+
Race: 119
Event: 34
241 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LAW WINNER.
Oppo: [242]Mersey Rowing Club - MES-COYNE-2.
4 Lengths130 130
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 127
Event: 40
270 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-BOROJEVIC WINNER.
Oppo: [271]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-DUNKERLEY.
Distance144 144
Op J14 4x+
Race: 120
Event: 34
239 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [240]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-Endress.
Distance130 130
Op J14 4x+
Race: 118
Event: 34
243 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MALTBY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [244]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-Fifield.
Distance129 129
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 142
Event: 48
317 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-NUGENT WINNER.
Oppo: [310]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-THOMPSON.
2 Lengths
W Sch/Jun 1x
Race: 142
Event: 48
317 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-NUGENT <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 4x+
Race: 117
Event: 34
245 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-WONG WINNER.
Oppo: [246]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-NAYLOR.
4 Lengths129 129
W J15 4x+
Race: 143
Event: 36
251 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-WJ15 4x A WINNER.
Oppo: [255]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-HIGNETT.
3/4 Length
W J15 4x+
Race: 143
Event: 36
251 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-WJ15 4x A <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 144
Event: 40
267 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-MALLON WINNER.
Oppo: [270]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-BOROJEVIC.
2 Lengths
Op J15 2x Band 1
Race: 144
Event: 40
267 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-MALLON <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J14 4x+
Race: 130
Event: 34
239 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [241]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-LAW.
Distance145 145
Op J14 4x+
Race: 129
Event: 34
243 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MALTBY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [245]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-WONG.
1 Length145 145
Op J15 1x
Race: 132
Event: 44
290 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CAMPBELL-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [289]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-BRADLEY.
Distance147 147
W J16 2x
Race: 136
Event: 42
279 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-KNOX WINNER.
Oppo: [280]York City Rowing Club - YRK-SHEARING.
1 Length150 150
Op 2x
Race: 135
Event: 49
318 Mersey Rowing Club-MES-FULLER WINNER.
Oppo: [319]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-BLYTHIN.
6 Lengths149 149
Op J15 1x
Race: 131
Event: 44
292 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LEWIS WINNER.
Oppo: [291]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-BEARD-2.
2 Lengths146 146
Op J15 1x
Race: 133
Event: 44
288 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-FOSTER-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [287]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-DUFF-2.
2 Lengths147 147
Op J14 4x+
Race: 145
Event: 34
239 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [243]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-MALTBY-2.
Op J14 4x+
Race: 145
Event: 34
239 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Race: 134
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM WINNER.
Oppo: [320]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-MORRIS.
3 Lengths148 148
W J16 2x
Race: 137
Event: 42
278 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CHALK WINNER.
Oppo: [277]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-SHAW.
3 1/2 Lengths151 151
W 4x-
Race: 140
Event: 51
328 Bangor University Boat Club-UNW-MCNULTY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [329]Bradford Amateur Rowing Club - BRD-ROBERTS.
Distance153 153
Op 4-
Race: 138
Event: 50
327 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-PEEL WINNER.
Oppo: [326]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-CARTER.
326 DSQ For Interference154 154
Op 4-
Race: 139
Event: 50
325 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-WISBEY WINNER.
Oppo: [324]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-HUNT-3.
2 Lengths154 154
Op J15 1x
Race: 147
Event: 44
290 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CAMPBELL-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [288]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-FOSTER-2.
1 Length161 161
Op J15 1x
Race: 146
Event: 44
292 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-LEWIS WINNER.
Oppo: [293]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-ROBINSON.
3/4 Length161 161
W J16 2x
Race: 151
Event: 42
281 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-GRAY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [278]York City Rowing Club - YRK-CHALK.
Distance163 163
Op 2x
Race: 149
Event: 49
322 Trentham Boat Club-STK-YAM WINNER.
Oppo: [318]Mersey Rowing Club - MES-FULLER.
Bow Ball162 162
Op 4-
Race: 154
Event: 50
327 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-PEEL WINNER.
Oppo: [325]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-WISBEY.
1 1/2 Lengths
Op 4-
Race: 154
Event: 50
327 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-PEEL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 4x-
Race: 153
Event: 51
328 Bangor University Boat Club-UNW-MCNULTY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [330]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-FLEMONS.
1/2 Length164 164
Op J15 1x
Race: 161
Event: 44
290 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CAMPBELL-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [292]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-LEWIS.
5 Lengths
Op J15 1x
Race: 161
Event: 44
290 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CAMPBELL-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Race: 148
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM WINNER.
Oppo: [323]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-HEPPENSTALL-BATTY.
2 1/2 Lengths162 162
W J16 2x
Race: 150
Event: 42
279 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-KNOX WINNER.
Oppo: [282]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-WEBSTER.
Distance163 163
W J16 1x
Race: 159
Event: 45
297 Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club-LIV-RHEAD WINNER.
Oppo: [296]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-BOUSTEAD.
3 Lengths167 167
Op J15 2x Band 2
Race: 155
Event: 41
276 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-EVANS WINNER.
Oppo: [275]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-ARHONIDIS.
5 Lengths165 165
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM WINNER.
Oppo: [322]Trentham Boat Club - STK-YAM.
1 Length
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x Band 2
Race: 156
Event: 41
274 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC - Mundell WINNER.
Oppo: [273]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-COOPER.
5 Lengths165 165
W J14 1x
Race: 158
Event: 46
299 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PRITCHARD WINNER.
Oppo: [298]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-HUNT.
3 Lengths166 166
W J16 2x
Race: 163
Event: 42
279 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-KNOX WINNER.
Oppo: [281]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-GRAY-2.
2 Lengths
W J16 2x
Race: 163
Event: 42
279 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-KNOX <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
322 Trentham Boat Club-STK-YAM RE-ROW
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM RE-ROW
W J16 1x
Race: 160
Event: 45
294 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CARDY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [295]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-NORMAN.
5 Lengths167 167
W 4x-
Race: 164
Event: 51
328 Bangor University Boat Club-UNW-MCNULTY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [332]Trentham Boat Club - STK-FOX.
3/4 Length
W 4x-
Race: 164
Event: 51
328 Bangor University Boat Club-UNW-MCNULTY-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM WINNER.
Oppo: [322]Trentham Boat Club - STK-YAM.
1 Length
Op 2x
Race: 162
Event: 49
321 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-HIGGINBOTTOM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op J15 2x Band 2
Race: 165
Event: 41
276 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-EVANS WINNER.
Oppo: [274]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC - Mundell.
3 Lengths
Op J15 2x Band 2
Race: 165
Event: 41
276 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-EVANS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 1x
Race: 166
Event: 46
299 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PRITCHARD WINNER.
Oppo: [301]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-BROWN.
1 Length
W J14 1x
Race: 166
Event: 46
299 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-PRITCHARD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 2x
Race: 168
Event: 43
286 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-NEARY WINNER.
Oppo: [285]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-GEL.
5 Lengths184 184
W J14 2x
Race: 169
Event: 43
284 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [283]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-JOHNSON.
5 Lengths184 184
W J16 1x
Race: 167
Event: 45
294 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CARDY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [297]Liverpool Victoria Rowing Club - LIV-RHEAD.
1 1/2 Lengths
W J16 1x
Race: 167
Event: 45
294 York City Rowing Club-YRK-CARDY-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 171
Event: 52
333 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [334]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-ANDREW.
4 1/2 Lengths185 185
W Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 170
Event: 52
335 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-RUSSELL WINNER.
Oppo: [336]North Staffordshire Rowing Club - NST-STOCKING.
3/4 Length185 185
W J14 2x
Race: 184
Event: 43
284 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-4 WINNER.
Oppo: [286]Queens Park High School Rowing Club - QPH-NEARY.
1 Length
W J14 2x
Race: 184
Event: 43
284 Queens Park High School Rowing Club-QPH-MULHOLLAND-4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 2x
Race: 177
Event: 55
346 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROAD WINNER.
Oppo: [345]Merchant Taylors School Boat Club - MTS-FORSHAW.
Distance181 181
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 176
Event: 54
342 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-QUAGLIERINI WINNER.
Oppo: [341]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-MORRIS-2.
3 Lengths188 188
W J14 8x+
Race: 173
Event: 32
234 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A WINNER.
Oppo: [233]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC- Irving.
Distance186 186
W 4+
Race: 174
Event: 53
337 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-WAGSTAFF WINNER.
Oppo: [340]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-PERRY.
Distance187 187
W Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 185
Event: 52
333 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [335]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-RUSSELL.
4 1/2 Lengths
W Sch/Jun 2x
Race: 185
Event: 52
333 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-NAYLOR-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 2x
Race: 181
Event: 55
346 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROAD WINNER.
Oppo: [347]Merchant Taylors School Boat Club - MTS-HINES.
Distance195 195
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 175
Event: 54
344 Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester-GRO-HICKSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [343]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-WHYMAN.
2 1/2 Lengths188 188
W J15 4+
Race: 179
Event: 35
248 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-GREENHILL WINNER.
Oppo: [247]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-RIDDELL.
2 Lengths189 189
W MasE 2x
Race: 192
Event: 39
264 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-GREGORY-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [263]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-GIBSON-2.
W MasE 2x
Race: 192
Event: 39
264 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-GREGORY-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 8+
Race: 178
Event: 56
351 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-Hudson WINNER.
Oppo: [350]Liverpool University Boat Club - LIU-SILVER.
3 Lengths183 183
W 4+
Race: 187
Event: 53
338 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-TAYLOR WINNER.
Oppo: [337]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-WAGSTAFF.
3 Lengths
W 4+
Race: 187
Event: 53
338 Liverpool University Boat Club-LIU-TAYLOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 188
Event: 54
342 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-QUAGLIERINI WINNER.
Oppo: [344]Grosvenor Rowing Club, Chester - GRO-HICKSON-2.
3/4 Length
Op Sch/Jun 4x-
Race: 188
Event: 54
342 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-QUAGLIERINI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 190
Event: 37
258 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-BRANKOV-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [259]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-JONES-SWIFT (WMasB).
5 Lengths197 197
W J13 2x
Race: 195
Event: 55
346 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROAD WINNER.
Oppo: [349]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-NELSON.
4 Lengths
W J13 2x
Race: 195
Event: 55
346 North Staffordshire Rowing Club-NST-BROAD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J14 8x+
Race: 186
Event: 32
234 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A WINNER.
Oppo: [236]Grange School, The Rowing Club - GRN-B.
2 1/2 Lengths
W J14 8x+
Race: 186
Event: 32
234 Grange School, The Rowing Club-GRN-A <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 8+
Race: 182
Event: 56
354 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KSRC-Standing WINNER.
Oppo: [353]Royal Chester Rowing Club - RCH-GOODREID.
Distance196 196
W MasD 2x
Race: 194
Event: 38
261 York City Rowing Club-YRK-JACKSON-2 WINNER.
Oppo: [262]Windermere Rowing Club - WDM-BOWMAN.
3/4 Length
W MasD 2x
Race: 194
Event: 38
261 York City Rowing Club-YRK-JACKSON-2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J15 4+
Race: 189
Event: 35
249 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-HARDING WINNER.
Oppo: [248]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KCH-GREENHILL.
2 Lengths
W J15 4+
Race: 189
Event: 35
249 Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club-KCH-HARDING <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
Op MasD/G 4x-
Race: 193
Event: 33
237 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-JONES (MasG) WINNER.
Oppo: [238]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-MOLYNEUX (MasD).
Op MasD/G 4x-
Race: 193
Event: 33
237 Bradford Amateur Rowing Club-BRD-JONES (MasG) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W J13 1x
Race: 191
Event: 57
356 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WARD WINNER.
Oppo: [355]Merchant Taylors School Boat Club - MTS-WYNNE.
355 NRO
W J13 1x
Race: 191
Event: 57
356 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-WARD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 8+
Race: 183
Event: 56
352 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-WILLIAMS WINNER.
Oppo: [351]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-Hudson.
1 1/2 Lengths196 196
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 197
Event: 37
260 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-TAYLOR WINNER.
Oppo: [258]Trafford Rowing Club - TRF-BRANKOV-2.
W MasB/C 2x
Race: 197
Event: 37
260 Trafford Rowing Club-TRF-TAYLOR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!
W 8+
Race: 196
Event: 56
352 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-WILLIAMS WINNER.
Oppo: [354]Kings School Chester, The, Rowing Club - KSRC-Standing.
1 1/2 Lengths
W 8+
Race: 196
Event: 56
352 Royal Chester Rowing Club-RCH-WILLIAMS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WIN EVENT!