Start | 25/06/2017 07:30 |
Interval | 03 mins |
First Station | Lane A |
Second Station | Lane B |
Race | Crews | Event | Round | Next |
1 07:30 |
19 20 |
IM3.2x | 1 | |
2 07:33 |
61 62 Derwent - DEW-Phillips |
J13A.1x | 1 | |
3 07:36 |
59 60 Worcester RC - WRR-Rea |
J13A.1x | 1 | |
4 07:39 |
67 68 City of Bristol RC - CBR-van der Linden |
J15A.2x | 1 | |
5 07:42 |
65 66 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Mulligan |
J15A.2x | 1 | |
6 07:45 |
73 74 Stourport BC - STP-Fuller |
J16A.1x | 1 | |
7 07:48 |
71 72 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Sinclair |
J16A.1x | 1 | |
8 07:51 |
26 Warwick BC - WAR-Clarke 27 |
NOV.2x | 1 | |
9 07:54 |
24 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Marlow 25 |
NOV.2x | 1 | |
10 07:57 |
45 Worcester RC - WRR-Foulds 46 |
W.IM3.1x | 1 | |
11 08:00 |
43 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Haig 44 |
W.IM3.1x | 1 | |
12 08:03 |
41 42 Warwick BC - WAR-Joyce |
W.IM3.1x | 1 | |
13 08:06 |
77 78 Stourport BC - STP-Clarke |
W.J14A.1x | 1 | |
14 08:09 |
82 83 Stourport BC - STP-Murphy |
W.J14A.4x+ | 1 | |
15 08:12 |
87 88 Trent - TRT-Rose |
W.J15A.4x+ | 1 | |
16 08:15 |
52 53 Birmingham RC - BIR-Clason |
W.NOV.1x | 1 | |
17 08:18 |
50 Huntingdon - HUN-Searle 51 |
W.NOV.1x | 1 | |
18 08:21 |
48 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Pywell 49 |
W.NOV.1x | 1 | |
19 08:24 SF |
22 Warwick BC - WAR-Watson 23 |
IM3.2x | 2 | |
20 08:27 SF |
21 Worcester RC - WRR-Allen |
IM3.2x | 2 | |
21 08:30 SF |
92 93 Huntingdon - HUN-Ray |
J12A.1x | 1 | |
22 08:33 SF |
62 64 Hereford RC - HER-Fraser |
J13A.1x | 2 | |
23 08:36 SF |
60 63 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Ainsley |
J13A.1x | 2 | |
24 08:39 SF |
95 96 Huntingdon - HUN-Allen |
J14A.2x | 1 | |
25 08:42 SF |
68 City of Bristol RC - CBR-van der Linden 70 |
J15A.2x | 2 | |
26 08:45 SF |
66 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Mulligan 69 |
J15A.2x | 2 | |
27 08:48 SF |
74 76 City of Bristol RC - CBR-James-Knights |
J16A.1x | 2 | |
28 08:51 SF |
72 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Sinclair 75 |
J16A.1x | 2 | |
29 08:54 SF |
35 Trentham BC - STK-Ellis 36 |
Mx.IM2.2x | 1 | |
30 08:57 SF |
33 34 Birmingham RC - BIR-Jones |
Mx.IM2.2x | 1 | |
31 09:00 SF |
26 29 Trent - TRT-Russell |
NOV.2x | 2 | |
32 09:03 SF |
24 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Marlow 28 |
NOV.2x | 2 | |
33 09:06 SF |
30 Trent - TRT-McLocklin 31 |
W.IM1.2x | 1 | |
34 09:09 SF |
45 Worcester RC - WRR-Foulds 47 |
W.IM3.1x | 2 | |
35 09:12 SF |
42 43 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Haig |
W.IM3.1x | 2 | |
36 09:15 SF |
5 6 - Minerva Bath WFP |
W.IM3.4+ | 1 | |
37 09:18 SF |
3 Stourport BC - STP-Rogers 4 |
W.IM3.4+ | 1 | |
38 09:21 SF |
100 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Porteous 101 |
W.J13A.2x | 1 | |
39 09:24 SF |
98 99 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Fletcher |
W.J13A.2x | 1 | |
40 09:27 SF |
80 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Bruton 81 |
W.J14A.1x | 2 | |
41 09:30 SF |
78 Stourport BC - STP-Clarke 79 |
W.J14A.1x | 2 | |
42 09:33 SF |
85 86 Huntingdon - HUN-Ryley |
W.J14A.4x+ | 2 | |
43 09:36 SF |
83 Stourport BC - STP-Murphy 84 |
W.J14A.4x+ | 2 | |
44 09:39 SF |
90 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Snow 91 |
W.J15A.4x+ | 2 | |
45 09:42 SF |
88 89 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Rogers |
W.J15A.4x+ | 2 | |
46 09:45 SF |
102 Worcester RC - WRR-Thornton 103 |
W.J16A.2x | 1 | |
47 09:48 SF |
11 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Aldridge 12 |
W.MasA.4+ | 1 | |
48 09:51 SF |
14 15 Ironbridge - IRO-Birch |
W.MasC.4+ | 1 | |
49 09:54 SF |
53 Birmingham RC - BIR-Clason 54 |
W.NOV.1x | 2 | |
50 09:57 SF |
48 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Pywell 50 |
W.NOV.1x | 2 | |
51 10:00 SF |
9 10 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Walters |
W.NOV.4+ | 1 | |
52 10:03 SF |
7 8 Bridgnorth RC - BRI-Walker |
W.NOV.4+ | 1 | |
53 10:06 F |
17 18 Stourport BC - STP-Bird |
IM2.2- | 1 | |
54 10:09 F |
21 22 Warwick BC - WAR-Watson |
IM3.2x | 3 | |
55 10:12 F |
1 2 Huntingdon - HUN-Smith |
IM3.8+ | 1 | |
56 10:15 F |
93 Huntingdon - HUN-Ray 94 |
J12A.1x | 2 | |
57 10:18 F |
63 64 Hereford RC - HER-Fraser |
J13A.1x | 3 | |
58 10:21 F |
96 Huntingdon - HUN-Allen 97 |
J14A.2x | 2 | |
59 10:24 F |
66 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Mulligan 68 |
J15A.2x | 3 | |
60 10:27 F |
72 76 City of Bristol RC - CBR-James-Knights |
J16A.1x | 3 | |
61 10:30 F |
105 Birmingham RC - BIR-Gibson Cabrero 106 A B Severn - ABV-Astbury |
J17A.1x | 1 | |
62 10:33 F |
37 Runcorn - Runcorn / Trentham 38 |
MasE.2x | 1 | |
63 10:36 F |
39 40 Bentham BC - BNT-Bates |
MasF.2x | 1 | |
64 10:39 F |
34 35 Trentham BC - STK-Ellis |
Mx.IM2.2x | 2 | |
65 10:42 F |
24 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Marlow 29 |
NOV.2x | 3 | |
66 10:45 F |
30 Trent - TRT-McLocklin 32 |
W.IM1.2x | 2 | |
67 10:48 F |
43 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Haig 45 |
W.IM3.1x | 3 | |
68 10:51 F |
3 6 - Minerva Bath WFP |
W.IM3.4+ | 2 | |
69 10:54 F |
99 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Fletcher 100 |
W.J13A.2x | 2 | |
70 10:57 F |
78 Stourport BC - STP-Clarke 80 |
W.J14A.1x | 3 | |
71 11:00 F |
83 Stourport BC - STP-Murphy 86 |
W.J14A.4x+ | 3 | |
72 11:03 F |
89 90 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Snow |
W.J15A.4x+ | 3 | |
73 11:06 F |
102 104 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Woolley |
W.J16A.2x | 2 | |
74 11:09 F |
107 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Bradley 108 |
W.J17A.2x | 1 | |
75 11:12 F |
109 Sir J Deanes - SJD-Slatter 110 |
W.J17A.4x- | 1 | |
76 11:15 F |
55 Warwick BC - WAR-Rothwell 56 |
W.MasA.1x | 1 | |
77 11:18 F |
11 13 Bridgnorth RC - BRI-Rushin |
W.MasA.4+ | 2 | |
78 11:21 F |
57 58 Abingdon RC - ABN-Ashton |
W.MasB.1x | 1 | |
79 11:24 F |
15 16 Stourport BC - STP-Edwards |
W.MasC.4+ | 2 | |
80 11:27 F |
48 Birmingham Univ - UBI-Pywell 53 |
W.NOV.1x | 3 | |
81 11:30 F |
8 Bridgnorth RC - BRI-Walker 10 |
W.NOV.4+ | 2 |
Start | 25/06/2017 11:40 |
Interval | 03 mins |
First Station | Lane A |
Second Station | Lane B |
Race | Crews | Event | Round | Next |
82 11:40 |
178 179 Huntingdon - HUN-Allen |
J14A.1x | 1 | |
83 11:43 |
156 Huntingdon - HUN-Hunter 157 |
IM3.1x | 1 | |
84 11:46 |
154 Trentham BC - STK-Warrington 155 |
IM3.1x | 1 | |
85 11:49 |
185 186 Worcester RC - WRR-Rea |
J14A.1x | 2 | |
86 11:52 |
183 184 Stourport BC - STP-Palmer |
J14A.1x | 2 | |
87 11:55 |
181 Birmingham RC - BIR-Heppel 182 |
J14A.1x | 2 | |
88 11:58 |
179 180 Stourport BC - STP-Glover |
J14A.1x | 2 | |
89 12:01 |
189 190 Derwent - DEW-Doleman |
J15A.1x | 1 | |
90 12:04 |
187 188 Derwent - DEW-Lewis |
J15A.1x | 1 | |
91 12:07 |
166 Huntingdon - HUN-Jones 167 |
NOV.1x | 1 | |
92 12:10 |
164 165 Bridgnorth RC - BRI-Graham |
NOV.1x | 1 | |
93 12:13 |
162 163 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Marlow |
NOV.1x | 1 | |
94 12:16 |
160 161 Ironbridge - IRO-Crone |
NOV.1x | 1 | |
95 12:19 |
135 Huntingdon - HUN-Hinkley 136 |
W.IM3.2x | 1 | |
96 12:22 |
113 Bewdley RC - BEW-Cartwright 114 |
W.IM3.8+ | 1 | |
97 12:25 |
111 112 Devil s Elbow RC - DEV-Sedgwick |
W.IM3.8+ | 1 | |
98 12:28 |
193 Trent - TRT-Benton 194 |
W.J13A.1x | 1 | |
99 12:31 |
204 205 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Brown |
W.J14A.2x | 1 | |
100 12:34 |
202 203 Stourport BC - STP-DiMambro |
W.J14A.2x | 1 | |
101 12:37 |
200 201 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Porteous |
W.J14A.2x | 1 | |
102 12:40 |
198 199 Birmingham RC - BIR-Allaway |
W.J14A.2x | 1 | |
103 12:43 |
212 213 Loughborough BC - LBR-Fairbrother |
W.J15A.2x | 1 | |
104 12:46 |
210 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Pinnell 211 |
W.J15A.2x | 1 | |
105 12:49 |
208 209 Stourport BC - STP-Rhodes |
W.J15A.2x | 1 | |
106 12:52 |
206 207 Trent - TRT-Rose |
W.J15A.2x | 1 | |
107 12:55 |
218 Birmingham RC - BIR-Thomas 219 |
W.J16A.1x | 1 | |
108 12:58 |
216 217 Stourport BC - STP-Jethwa |
W.J16A.1x | 1 | |
109 13:01 |
214 Huntingdon - HUN-Searle 215 |
W.J16A.1x | 1 | |
110 13:04 |
143 144 Abingdon RC - ABN/WRC |
W.MasA.2x | 1 | |
111 13:07 SF |
132 Huntingdon - HUN-Smith 133 |
IM2.2x | 1 | |
112 13:10 SF |
156 Huntingdon - HUN-Hunter 159 |
IM3.1x | 2 | |
113 13:13 SF |
154 Trentham BC - STK-Warrington 158 |
IM3.1x | 2 | |
114 13:16 SF |
119 Minerva Bath - MIN-Pearce 120 |
IM3.4+ | 1 | |
115 13:19 SF |
117 118 Warwick BC - WAR-Wheeler |
IM3.4+ | 1 | |
116 13:22 SF |
221 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Ainsley 222 |
J13A.2x | 1 | |
117 13:25 SF |
184 186 Worcester RC - WRR-Rea |
J14A.1x | 3 | |
118 13:28 SF |
180 Stourport BC - STP-Glover 181 |
J14A.1x | 3 | |
119 13:31 SF |
190 192 Worcester RC - WRR-Hunt |
J15A.1x | 2 | |
120 13:34 SF |
188 191 Birmingham RC - BIR-Finch |
J15A.1x | 2 | |
121 13:37 SF |
224 City of Bristol RC - CBR-van der Linden 225 |
J15A.4x+ | 1 | |
122 13:40 SF |
227 228 City of Bristol RC - CBR-James-Knights |
J16A.2x | 1 | |
123 13:43 SF |
168 169 Loughborough BC - LBR-Targett |
MasD.1x | 1 | |
124 13:46 SF |
125 126 Monmouth RC - MON-Lewis |
MasD.4+ | 1 | |
125 13:49 SF |
173 174 Worcester RC - WRR-Unwin |
MasE.1x | 1 | |
126 13:52 SF |
171 172 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Howie |
MasE.1x | 1 | |
127 13:55 SF |
175 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Vick 176 |
MasF.1x | 1 | |
128 13:58 SF |
165 166 Huntingdon - HUN-Jones |
NOV.1x | 2 | |
129 14:01 SF |
161 Ironbridge - IRO-Crone 163 |
NOV.1x | 2 | |
130 14:04 SF |
123 Ironbridge - IRO-Wong 124 |
NOV.4+ | 1 | |
131 14:07 SF |
121 City of Oxford - COX-Carter 122 |
NOV.4+ | 1 | |
132 14:10 SF |
138 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Woolley 139 |
W.IM3.2x | 2 | |
133 14:13 SF |
135 137 Sir J Deanes - SJD-Slatter |
W.IM3.2x | 2 | |
134 14:16 SF |
113 116 Loughborough BC - LBR-Storey |
W.IM3.8+ | 2 | |
135 14:19 SF |
112 115 Stourport BC - STP - PARKER |
W.IM3.8+ | 2 | |
136 14:22 SF |
196 197 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Younes |
W.J13A.1x | 2 | |
137 14:25 SF |
193 Trent - TRT-Benton 195 |
W.J13A.1x | 2 | |
138 14:28 SF |
203 Stourport BC - STP-DiMambro 205 |
W.J14A.2x | 2 | |
139 14:31 SF |
199 201 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Porteous |
W.J14A.2x | 2 | |
140 14:34 SF |
210 213 Loughborough BC - LBR-Fairbrother |
W.J15A.2x | 2 | |
141 14:37 SF |
207 Trent - TRT-Rose 209 |
W.J15A.2x | 2 | |
142 14:40 SF |
218 220 City of Bristol RC - CBR-MacDonald-Taylor |
W.J16A.1x | 2 | |
143 14:43 SF |
214 217 Stourport BC - STP-Jethwa |
W.J16A.1x | 2 | |
144 14:46 SF |
230 Derwent - DEW-Doleman 231 |
W.J18A.1x | 1 | |
145 14:49 SF |
146 Loughborough BC - LBR-Beaumont 147 |
W.MasA.2x | 2 | |
146 14:52 SF |
144 145 Warwick BC - WAR-Rothwell |
W.MasA.2x | 2 | |
147 14:55 SF |
150 151 Abingdon RC - ABN-Simpson |
W.MasC.2x | 1 | |
148 14:58 SF |
148 Bewdley RC - BEWdley-Camm/Gammond 149 |
W.MasC.2x | 1 | |
149 15:01 SF |
140 141 Sir J Deanes - SJD-Addison |
W.NOV.2x | 1 | |
150 15:04 F |
132 Huntingdon - HUN-Smith 134 |
IM2.2x | 2 | |
151 15:07 F |
154 156 Huntingdon - HUN-Hunter |
IM3.1x | 3 | |
152 15:10 F |
118 Warwick BC - WAR-Wheeler 119 |
IM3.4+ | 2 | |
153 15:13 F |
233 234 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Worthington |
J12A.2x | 1 | |
154 15:16 F |
221 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Ainsley 223 |
J13A.2x | 2 | |
155 15:19 F |
180 Stourport BC - STP-Glover 186 |
J14A.1x | 4 | |
156 15:22 F |
235 236 City of Bristol RC - CBR-Simon |
J14A.4x+ | 1 | |
157 15:25 F |
191 192 Worcester RC - WRR-Hunt |
J15A.1x | 3 | |
158 15:28 F |
224 City of Bristol RC - CBR-van der Linden 226 |
J15A.4x+ | 2 | |
159 15:31 F |
228 City of Bristol RC - CBR-James-Knights 229 |
J16A.2x | 2 | |
160 15:34 F |
237 238 Huntingdon - HUN-Searle |
J17A.2x | 1 | |
161 15:37 F |
169 170 Derwent - DEW-Hancock |
MasD.1x | 2 | |
162 15:40 F |
126 Monmouth RC - MON-Lewis 127 |
MasD.4+ | 2 | |
163 15:43 F |
172 Bristol Ariel - BRA-Howie 174 |
MasE.1x | 2 | |
164 15:46 F |
128 129 Worcester RC - WRR/BNT |
MasE.4x- | 1 | |
165 15:49 F |
175 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Vick 177 |
MasF.1x | 2 | |
166 15:52 F |
130 131 Nottingham RC - NRC-Stasiuk |
MasF.4+ | 1 | |
167 15:55 F |
161 166 Huntingdon - HUN-Jones |
NOV.1x | 3 | |
168 15:58 F |
121 123 Ironbridge - IRO-Wong |
NOV.4+ | 2 | |
169 16:01 F |
137 138 Liverpool Victoria - LIV-Woolley |
W.IM3.2x | 3 | |
170 16:04 F |
115 Stourport BC - STP - PARKER 116 |
W.IM3.8+ | 3 | |
171 16:07 F |
193 Trent - TRT-Benton 197 |
W.J13A.1x | 3 | |
172 16:10 F |
201 203 Stourport BC - STP-DiMambro |
W.J14A.2x | 3 | |
173 16:13 F |
207 213 Loughborough BC - LBR-Fairbrother |
W.J15A.2x | 3 | |
174 16:16 F |
217 220 City of Bristol RC - CBR-MacDonald-Taylor |
W.J16A.1x | 3 | |
175 16:19 F |
230 Derwent - DEW-Doleman 232 |
W.J18A.1x | 2 | |
176 16:22 F |
145 Warwick BC - WAR-Rothwell 146 |
W.MasA.2x | 3 | |
177 16:25 F |
148 Bewdley RC - BEWdley-Camm/Gammond 151 |
W.MasC.2x | 2 | |
178 16:28 F |
152 153 |
W.MasD.2x | 1 | |
179 16:31 F |
141 142 Ironbridge - IRO-Boughey |
W.NOV.2x | 2 |